On October 22, 2014 at 01:25 i...@itechgeek.com (ITechGeek) wrote:
 > Instead of multiple govs trying to use .gov or .mil, the best idea would be
 > to collapse .gov under .gov.us and .mil under .mil.us (Much like how other
 > countries already work).

And of course they'll also keep .GOV and .MIL because it's too much
trouble to do whatever it'd take to actually decomission them so not
much would be accomplished.

I'm not opposed to the idea, sure, why not, but I'm pessimstic that
it'd accomplish much in our lifetimes (depending on your age of

 > I don't see that happening as long as the US gov has a say in the matter.
 > I think .su will be decommissioned long before .gov or .mil are.

We agree.

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