On 10/19/14 12:42, Donald Eastlake wrote:
> Why is the Greek flag always flow at the Olympics as well as the
> Olympic and host nation flags? Why is Britain the only country
> allowed, under Universal Postal Union regulations to have no national
> identification on its stamps used in international mail? Basically, if
> you are first, you tend to get extra privileges. Same with .gov for
> the US government.
> Thanks,
> Donald
> =============================
>  Donald E. Eastlake 3rd   +1-508-333-2270 (cell)
>  155 Beaver Street, Milford, MA 01757 USA
>  d3e...@gmail.com
> On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 8:05 AM, Matthew Petach <mpet...@netflight.com> wrote:
>> Wondering if some of the long-time list members
>> can shed some light on the question--why is the
>> .gov top level domain only for use by US
>> government agencies?  Where do other world
>> powers put their government agency domains?
>> With the exception of the cctlds, shouldn't the
>> top-level gtlds be generically open to anyone
>> regardless of borders?
>> Would love to get any info about the history
>> of the decision to make it US-only.
>> Thanks!
>> Matt
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