Before leaving Debian, things to think:
- will systemd be officialy the only system available ?
- if so, won't we get a way to bypass that ?

I'm not gonna throw Debian away due to such a mess, without fighting
hard, and I think you should do the same: talk, patch if needed, show
you're here

If all good people who laugh insanely about systemd leave Debian alone,
who's left ? gnome-people ? systemd-fanatics (heretics?) ?

On 22/10/2014 12:09, Tom Hill wrote:
> On 22/10/14 10:41, Miles Fidelman wrote:
>> Which leads me to ask - those of you running server farms - what distros
>> are popular these days, for server-side operations?  We've been running
>> Debian like forever (by way of Solaris and redhat) - but this systemd
>> thing is making me rethink things.  Seems like an awful lot of folks are
>> now designing for the desktop, and it might be time to migrate to a BSD
>> or Solaris derivative.  What are others doing?
> Not making rash decisions.
> Debian and CentOS are still the 'asked for' distributions of Linux. Once
> in a blue moon, someone asks about something else.
> Those that care are outnumbered greatly by those that just want a known
> platform to develop upon. (The irony of this is not lost on me).
> I'd take systemd over ditching apt/yum in a mad panic. And I'm certainly
> no fan of systemd myself.

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