The name of the game is you create it, you set your own rules. The United States Gov't was involved w/ the Internet before people thought about it being more than just a US gov't system.
As far as the SOA, someone probably copied and pasted another SOA not really knowing what they were doing (or copied pasted, saved, modified, forgot to hit save). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ITG (ITechGeek) GPG Keys: Preferred GPG Key: Fingerprint: AB46B7E363DA7E04ABFA57852AA9910A DCB1191A Google Voice: +1-703-493-0128 / Twitter: ITechGeek / Facebook: On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 6:57 AM, Nick Hilliard <> wrote: > On 19/10/2014 13:05, Matthew Petach wrote: > > Would love to get any info about the history > > of the decision to make it US-only. > > incidentally, why does the .gov SOA list in its SOA? The > web > site for the domain looks like it's copied from Has > USGOV decided to open a new executive branch for podiatry? > > Nick > > >