I believe at one point, SPRINT had in the RADB (and actively advertised),,, and under something called  
“Quarter Default Route, see Rational Default Project” or words to that effect.

I could be wrong. It was a long time ago and I barely remember SPRINT any more.


On Aug 13, 2014, at 9:47 PM, Steve Noble <sno...@sonn.com> wrote:

> Sprint also had 192/2 in the RADB :)
> manning bill wrote:
>> Sprint used to proxy aggregate… I remember
>> the real question, imho, is if folks are going to look into their crystal 
>> balls and roadmap where the default offered is a /32 (either v4 or v6)
>> and plan accordingly, or just slap another bandaid on the oozing wound...
>> /bill
>> PO Box 12317
>> Marina del Rey, CA 90295
>> 310.322.8102

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