Sprint used to  proxy aggregate…   I remember

the real question, imho, is if folks are going to look into their crystal balls 
and roadmap where the default offered is a /32 (either v4 or v6)
and plan accordingly, or just slap another bandaid on the oozing wound...

PO Box 12317
Marina del Rey, CA 90295

On 13August2014Wednesday, at 21:15, Patrick W. Gilmore <patr...@ianai.net> 

> Composed on a virtual keyboard, please forgive typos. 
>> On Aug 13, 2014, at 22:59, Suresh Ramasubramanian <ops.li...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Swisscom or some other European SP has / used to have a limit where they 
>> would not accept more specific routes than say a /22 from provider x, so if 
>> you wanted to take a /24 and announce it you were SOL sending packets to 
>> them from that /24 over provider y.
>> Still, for elderly and capacity limited routers, that might work.
> And Sprint used to filter on /19s outside swamp space. (See NANOG 1999 
> archives for my [wrong then corrected] interpretation of ACL112.) Etc., etc. 
> For stub networks, especially ones who are not as performance sensitive, this 
> can help extend the life of their routers. But not everyone can make AGS+s 
> work for years past their useful life or get "-doran" IOS builds. The 6500 
> was first sold in 1999. I'm impressed it has lasted this long, even with new 
> sups. Time to start thinking about upgrading. 
> As for networks providing transit, those were highly unsound policies, IMHO. 
> I specifically did not buy from Sprint then or Verio later when they did it, 
> and I was not alone. Giving your customers less than full routes has lots of 
> bad side effects, such as less revenue when they don't pick you because you 
> don't have the route. 
> -- 
> patrick
>>> On Thursday, August 14, 2014, Brett Frankenberger <rbf+na...@panix.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 07:53:45PM -0400, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:
>>>>> you mean your vendor won't give you the knobs to do it smartly ([j]tac
>>>>> tickets open for five years)?  wonder why.
>>>> Might be useful if you mentioned what you considered a "smart" way to
>>>> trim the fib. But then you couldn't bitch and moan about people not
>>>> understanding you, which is the real reason you post to NANOG.
>>> Optimization #1 -- elimination of more specifics where there's a less
>>> specific that has the same next hop (obviously only in cases where the
>>> less specific is the one that would be used if the more specific were
>>> left out).
>>> Example: if has the same next hop as, the
>>> latter can be left out of TCAM (assuming there's not a
>>> with a different next hop).
>>> Optimization #2 -- concatenation of adjacent routes when they have the
>>> same next hop
>>> Example: If and have the same next hop,
>>> leave them both out of TCAM and install
>>> Optimization #3 -- elimination of routes that have more specifics for
>>> their entire range.
>>> Example: Don't program in TCAM is,
>>> an all exist
>>> Some additional points:
>>> -- This isn't that hard to implement.  Once you have a FIB and
>>> primitives for manipulating it, it's not especially difficult to extend
>>> them to also maintain a minimal-size-FIB.
>>> -- The key is that aggregation need not be limited to identical routes.
>>> Any two routes *that have the same next hop from the perspective of the
>>> router doing the aggregating* can be aggregated in TCAM.  DFZ routers
>>> have half a million routes, but comparatively few direct adjacencies.
>>> So lots of opportunity to aggregate.
>>> -- What I've described above gives forwarding behavior *identical* to
>>> unaggregated forwarding behavior, but with fewer TCAM entries.
>>> Obviously, you can get further reductions if you're willing to accept
>>> different behavior (for example, igoring more specifics when there's a
>>> less specific, even if the less specific has a different next hop).
>>> (This might or might not be what Randy was talking about.  Maybe he's
>>> looking for knobs to allow some routes to be excluded from TCAM at the
>>> expense of changing forwarding behavior.  But even without any such
>>> things, there's still opportunity to meaningfully reduce usage just by
>>> handling the cases where forwarding behavior will not change.)
>>>     -- Brett
>> -- 
>> --srs (iPad)

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