On Mon, 11 Aug 2014, Colton Conor wrote:
How stable and feature rich are both of their platforms? How do both of
I have played around with the Edgerouter ER-5. It's a fairly immature product compared to Cisco and Juniper. One of the bigger problems is that they don't really release fixes for earlier versions, instead they keep releasing new versions, combining new features and bug fixes in the same new release.
My recommendation is to read the forums they have where people do bug reporting, and after 15-30 minutes I think you will have a fairly good idea about the product, and if it might suit you.
For a simpler setup with static IPv4/IPv6 routing and perhaps even OSPF, that wasn't touched much after installation, I'd say it's fine. It's a powerful little box. It has some features most home gateways do not, and it lacks some features some of the highend ones have.
They're attractively priced, buy one and try it out! -- Mikael Abrahamsson email: swm...@swm.pp.se