I ported one of our Juniper SRX configs to an EdgeRouter Lite and it was a
relatively painless experience. I benchmarked the end results and it would
do ~1gbps without breaking much of a sweat. Not bad at all for a <$100 box.

We keep some on the shelf, just in case of an emergency. At that price, why

No large scale and/or long term deployments as of yet, which is where the
wheat is separated from the chaff.

On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 5:22 PM, Colton Conor <colton.co...@gmail.com>

> I am interested to hear opinions on Mikrotik and Ubiquiti Networks routing
> and switching products. I know both hardware providers are widely deployed
> in WISP networks, but I am less interested in their wireless solutions and
> more in their wired products.
> I know most of their switches and routers are software based, but that
> might not necessarily be a bad thing since everyone is going to SDN
> anyways. Their products are 1/10th or less of the cost of
> the equivalent Cisco/Juniper products.
> How stable and feature rich are both of their platforms? How do both of
> their command line interfaces compare to Cisco or Juniper? Is it easy to
> train a Cisco tech how to use a Mikrotik or Ubiquiti Networks product?
> *Ubiquiti Networks software is based on a version of Vyatta I believe. As
> many of you know Vyatta was bought by Brocade. I have heard that Vyatta is
> very Juniper OS like. *Ubiquiti just release a line of switches that have
> an amazing price and seem to support wire speed switching. Their EdgeRouter
> is supposedly faster than Mikrotiks solutions. They are also traded on the
> stock market, and seem to be doing well as a company.
> http://www.ubnt.com/products/
> Mikrotik also seems to make routers and switches. I am not sure what their
> software is based on, but it does support advanced features such as MPLS.
> Not sure about their switches, but they seem to be dirt cheap! What is
> their command line interface like? I couldn't find any financial
> information on this company, but they seem to be located in Latvia?
> http://routerboard.com/
> Does anyone have any meaningful insight to both companies? Why haven't they
> made a dent in the switching and router market with their amazing price
> points? Am I missing something here?

Eric Harrison
Network Services
Cascade Technology Alliance / Multnomah Education Service District
office: 503-257-1554   cell: 971-998-6249   NOC 503-257-1510

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