In message <004601cfab84$19ef4e20$4dcdea60$>, "Tony Wicks" writes:
> >>5. NAT translation timeouts are important, XBOX and PlayStation suck.
> >
> >At least Xbox ONE prefers IPv6.
> >PS4 can, it just doesn't yet.
> >Maybe Kiwis don't play enough games for Sony to care?
> Few CPE routers support native v6 (we are a low cost, BYO router ISP)

Actually they are becoming much more common and the additional cost
is not that much, basically the cost of the better WiFi radios.  If
you make IPv6 available and recommend that people buy a IPv6 capable
router next time they upgrade they will switch over.  You won't
find IPv6 in 802.11[bg] only routers but it is in the ones with
newer WiFi radios.

e.g. NETGEAR WNDR3800 N600 is AUD$80 [] + shipping and
supports IPv6.

The price point has come down dramatically from several years ago.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET:

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