On Jul 15, 2014, at 08:19 , Naslund, Steve <snasl...@medline.com> wrote:

> I don't believe either of those points.  I will grant you that the LECs are 
> near monopolies in some rural areas, but these are few and far between.  Yes, 
> a LEC may control the last mile but I can usually get circuits from a lot of 
> carriers.  A company I work for has over 50 locations mostly in rural areas 
> and we do not have much problem getting Sprint and CenturyLink access 
> circuits to them regardless of location.  In fact, we have never found a 
> location in the US that I can't get both of those carrier to deliver to us.  
> In a lot of areas there is also a cable provider available.  Residential 
> users have somewhat more limited options but you do always have the option of 
> deciding where to live.  Most of us in this group would consider the 
> broadband options available to them before they move.

If you want more than 1Mbps downstream or more than 384k upstream over 
terrestrial facilities in most of San Jose, California (the 3rd largest city by 
population in the largest population state in the US and the 10th largest city 
in the US last I looked), then you have exactly one choice. If that's not a 
monopoly, I'm not sure how you define one.

The situation in the vast majority of the bay area (including most of silicon 
valley) is the same.

It's even worse in less densely populated areas in many cases, though USF has 
distorted that to some extent because there are rural areas where the monopoly 
facilities based carrier has taken subsidies to provide higher quality access 
than is currently available to many of us living in more urban areas.

> Being a content provider has very little to do with market forces.  Comcast 
> is, of course, a major content provider and access provider but if they limit 
> their customer's access to Netflix (which they have been accused of) the 
> customers will still react to that.  The content providing access provider 
> has to know that no matter how good their content is, they are not the only 
> source and their customers will react to that.  I think the service providers 
> are sophisticated enough to know that and they will walk the fine line of 
> keeping their customer happy while trying to promote their own content.  It 
> is like saying a Ford dealer does not want to change the oil on your Chevy, 
> sure they would like for you to have bought from them but they will take what 
> they can get.

How is a customer supposed to react to that? In a location where their choice 
is $CABLECO for 30Mbps/7Mbps vs. $TELCO for 768k/384k, how, exactly, does one 
react in a meaningful or useful way?


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