> Let Comcast, TW, AT&T, Verizon, etc relinquish their monopoly
> protections and then perhaps we can see something resembling a free
> and open business climate evolve. Even that would deny that they
> already have become vast and powerful on these govt-mandated
> sinecures.

The problem with this is that so long as service providers are allowed to be 
facilities providers, there is an economic natural tendency to monopoly or 
small-N oligopoly in all but the densest of population centers that will result 
as a simple matter of external reality. It simply costs too damn much to put 
facilities in for there to be large-N copies of facilities serving the same 

That is one of the reasons I'm such a huge fan of home-run SWCs[1] with large 
colos run by a facilities only provider, whether that FOP is a municipality, 
NGO, or for profit entity (or even multiples if that were to somehow be 


[1] Serving "Wire" Center -- a hub where all of the fiber from a given 
distribution area (of radius N where N < maximum reasonable distance served by 
common transmission technologies available at the time of construction with 
costs in reason for household usage. Today, I believe that's about 5km, but it 
may be more).

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