Hi, Here is a different tale from another small ISP. We quite like Netflix (and HBO Nordic and all the other streaming services). We are a FTTH provider and services like Netflix is why people are buying our service instead of going with 4G LTE or ADSL. Without content we have nothing.
Yes we have the same problems. Netflix does not peer in our city, in fact they do not peer in our country(!). We are too small for an appliance. Yes I really think Netflix should peer in Copenhagen, as going to Stockholm through 1000 km of fiber is not really an option. But when we are done whining about that, I have to say that paying transit to get Netflix is not prohibitive expensive. We pay 0.5 USD/Mbps. Our margins are not so poor that we can not afford to buy the content our users want. Yes buy content - if we were a TV network we also would have to pay for the content. Without content there is no need for our service. The other ISP seems to be paying 20 USD/Mbps and that is their error. They failed to find proper transit. I notice that Hurricane Electric is present at the IX mentioned, so I am quite sure they could get cheap transit, if they would just care to actually get some quotes. Regards, Baldur