On Jul 10, 2014, at 8:46 PM, Jima <na...@jima.us> wrote:

> On 2014-07-10 19:40, Miles Fidelman wrote:
>> From another list, I think this puts it nicely (for those of you who
>> don't know Brett, he's been running a small ISP for years
>> http://www.lariat.net/)
> While trying to substantiate Mr. Glass' grievance with Netflix regarding 
> their lack of availability to peer, I happened upon this tidbit from two 
> months ago:
> http://dewaynenet.wordpress.com/2014/04/29/re-netflix-inks-deal-with-verizon-wont-talk-to-small-isps/
> As for Mr. Woodcock's point regarding a lack of http://lariat.net/peering 
> existing, https://www.netflix.com/openconnect/locations doesn't seem to do 
> what I'd expect, either, although I did finally find the link to 
> http://www.peeringdb.com/view.php?asn=2906 .  To Mr. Glass' point, I'm not 
> seeing any way the listed PoPs could feasibly be less than 900 wire-miles 
> from Laramie -- to be fair, cutting across "open land" is a bad joke at best.
> Life is rough in these "fly-over" states (in which I would include my current 
> state of residence); the closest IXes of which I'm aware are in Denver and 
> SLC (with only ~19 and 9 peers, respectively).  Either of those would be a 
> hard sell for Netflix, no doubt about it.
> I guess I'm just glad that my home ISP can justify anteing up for a pipe to 
> SIX, resources for hosting OpenConnect nodes, and, for that matter, an ASN.  
> Indeed, not everyone can.
>     Jima

I’m always surprised that folks at smaller exchanges don’t form consortiums to 
build a mutually beneficial transit AS that connects to a larger remote 

For example, if your 19 peers in Denver formed a consortium to get a circuit 
into one (or more) of the larger exchanges in Dallas, Los Angeles, SF Bay Area, 
or Seattle with an ASN and a router at each end, the share cost of that link an 
infrastructure would actually be fairly low per peer.


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