Totally agree with Ytti subrated sfp Yummyyyyy 
Andreas Larsen
IP-Only AB | Postadress: 753 81 UPPSALA | Besöksadress Uppsala: S:t Persg 6
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24 jun 2014 kl. 08:37 skrev Saku Ytti <>:

> On (2014-06-23 11:13 +0200), Pieter Hulshoff wrote:
>> feature and market information for such a device, and I would welcome some
>> feedback from interested people. Discussion about other types of smart SFPs
>> would also be welcome. Feel free to contact me directly using the contact
>> information below.
> I'd do questionable things for subrate SFP, SFP which I can put to 1GE port
> and have 10M and 100M rates available. Or to 10GE port and get 1GE, 100M and
> 10M
> Use case is network generation upgrade where you still have one or two 100M
> ports for MGMT ports etc.
> There are quite few service SFP already available, RAD does E1 over IP/ETH
> tunnels in SFP, Huawei has router-in-SFP, JDSU has ethernet probe in SFP,
> probably quite few others.
> -- 
>  ++ytti

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