Doesn't surprise me at all. Another thing I've seen lately is number of 
software (especially system management software) after being certified/tested 
with IPv6 no longer function when IPv6 is enabled. At least one vendor that 
broke IPv6 with a recent patch told me they only tested it once for IPv6 
compatibility to get the marketing folks off their neck. After that, they no 
longer test with IPv6 since they don't have IPv6 internally.

-----Original Message-----
From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Lee Howard
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 8:54 AM
To: Frank Bulk; 'Jared Mauch'
Subject: Re: Ars Technica on IPv4 exhaustion

On 6/17/14 11:43 PM, "Frank Bulk" <> wrote:

>These sites used to be dual-stacked:
> (over 180 days ago via
> (over 44 days ago)
> (over 151 days)
> (over 802 days)
> (over 593 days)

Check that one again.

Surprised you didn't mention


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