> From: Mark Tinka [mailto:mark.ti...@seacom.mu] > > On Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:27:09 AM Rajiv Asati (rajiva) > wrote: > > > Segment routing (SR) could/would certainly work with single-stack v6 > > and enable MPLS forwarding. > > Certainly, but based on the Paris meeting, it was not high up on the agenda. > > So we will, likely, have to rely on other solutions and wait for SR to catch > up > later. > > At the moment, it seems SR is being pushed hard for PCEP as well as SDN. > > Mark.
I think the most revolutionary SR use case is the: 3.2. Protecting a node segment upon the failure of its advertising node. Of the now expired: draft-filsfils-rtgwg-segment-routing-use-cases-02. It's the first, complete and elegant FRR solution for the hierarchical MPLS implementations. adam