On 01/05/14 17:41, Owen DeLong wrote:
> The problem with this theory is that if auditors can be so easily put to the
> street, you run into the risk of auditors altering behavior to increase 
> customer
> satisfaction in ways that prevent them from providing the controls that are 
> the
> reason auditors exist in the first place.

I disagree.  And the power balance is generally tilted way in favour of
the auditors, as many people on this thread have already commented.  In
my experience, most companies are afraid/inhibited to raise issues or
challenge their auditors in any way.  Nobody is asking auditors to roll
over, but if their behaviour is unprofessional/illogical, then a short
sharp shock should do the trick.

> If you don’t believe me, examine the history of Arthur Anderson and their
> relationship with a certain Houston-based company which failed spectacularly.

Can't really comment, but it was financial auditing, and ISTR that many
things failed in that situation - not just financial auditing.

John Souter, CEO, London Internet Exchange Ltd
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