On 4/30/2014 11:30 AM, valdis.kletni...@vt.edu wrote:
On Wed, 30 Apr 2014 15:40:43 -0000, Jamie Bowden said:
You're not funny. And if you're not joking, you're wrong. We just went over
this on this very list two weeks ago.
And in that discussion, we ascertained that what the PCI standard actually
says, and what you need to do in order to get unclued boneheaded auditors to
sign the piece of paper, are two very different things.
Yes, the PCI standard gives a list of 4 options and then continues on to
say that other creative solutions are acceptable as well. But if you
discover mid-engagement that your auditor *thinks* it says "Thou shalt NAT",
you have a problem.
Anybody got recommendations on how to make sure the company you engage
for the audit ends up sending you critters that actually have a clue? (Not
necessarily PCI, but in general)
I am no longer active on the battlefield but as of the last time I was,
it can't be did.
For years I managed various aspect of a UNIVAC 1100 operation and the
audits thereof. EVERY TIME, we were dinged badly because we didn't look
like an IBM shop (some may be surprised to learn that different hardware
and different operating systems require very different operating
procedures (and it appeared to us that some of the things they wanted us
to do would weaken us badly, others just simply didn't make any sense,
and we got dinged for things we DID do, because they were strange.
Later years I was in a small 1100-many HP9000 shop--same thing only
different. (That was also the environment with a medical school and
hospital with Internet-accessible heart monitors on Windows 95.)
I think there has been some drift away from IBMishness as The Gold
Standard, but it still looks like there is no allowance for the real
world in computing and networking.
Requiescas in pace o email Two identifying characteristics
of System Administrators:
Ex turpi causa non oritur actio Infallibility, and the ability to
learn from their mistakes.
(Adapted from Stephen Pinker)