On 03/26/2014 12:59 PM, John Levine wrote:
That way?  Make e-mail cost; have e-postage.
Gee, I wondered how long it would take for this famous bad idea to

I wrote a white paper ten years ago explaining why e-postage is a
bad idea, and there is no way to make it work.  Nothing of any
importance has changed since then.


And I remember reading this ten years ago.

And I also remember thinking at the time that you missed one very important angle, and that is that the typical ISP has the technical capability to bill based on volume of traffic already, and could easily bill per-byte for any traffic with 'e-mail properties' like being on certain ports or having certain characteristics. Yeah, I'm well aware of the technical issues with that; I never said it was a good idea, but what is the alternative?

I agree (and agreed ten years ago) with your assessment that the technical hurdles are large, but I disagree that they're completely insurmountable. At some point somebody is going to have to make an outgoing connection on port 25, and that would be the point of billing for the originating host. I don't like it, and I don't think it's a good idea, but the fact of the matter is that as long as spam is profitable there is going to be spam. Every technical anti-spam technique yet developed has a corresponding anti-anti-spam technique (bayesian filters? easy-peasy, just load Hamlet or the Z80 programmer's manual or somesuch as invisible text inside your e-mail, something I've seen in the past week (yes, I got a copy of the text for Zilog's Z80 manual inside spam this past week!). DNS BL's got you stopped? easy peasy, do a bit of address hopping.) The only way to finally and fully stop spam is financial motivation, there is no 'final' technical solution to spam; I and all my users wish there were.

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