On 3/25/2014 10:51 PM, Jimmy Hess wrote: > I would suggest the formation of an "IPv6 SMTP Server operator's club,"
That comes across too much like the failed FUSSP ideas. What happens when spammers try to get onboard? Who is the arbitrator? How fast could they react? And then you have legit senders who get infections or compromised accounts? Or what about a hoster who gets one bad-apple customer. This isn't so simple! Not so black & white. Yet if we instead focus on "truthful labeling of identity", then established e-mail reputation systems and established blacklists which have spent YEARS fine tuning these things... can be best prepared to sort these things about based on the reputation of the domain at the end of a sender's FCrDNS. Then the free market will properly choose the best blacklists that block the most spam with the least FPs... and the "politics" of some club won't be a negative factor. NOTE: antispam blacklists don't effectively work like men with their feet on a desk smoking cigars asking, 'should we block this sender'... 'should we whitelist this sender'... the spammers are ORDER OF MAGNITUDES faster than that! And then you'd have too many legit orgs that happen to be small.. that would be effectively blacklisted by not being able to get "into the club". i would be a nightmare! -- Rob McEwen +1 (478) 475-9032