ok, let me also try to be constructive.  how the heck do we get
ourselves out of a hole where we are ruled by self-perptuating
monopolies which lack oversight and accountability.  and it ain't just
arin.  look at the big [cc]tlds, the horror of icann, ...

i believe the only real solution is to open the game as wide as

for arin, remove the onerous ts&cs and the rights issues from the lrsa
so that we can all go out and get everyone to join and participate.

change the governance.  term limits for board members and AC are
critical.  i see little value in the AC except to create further
blockage and diversion.  require that 25% of the board have enable and
get some social blood in there, e.g. a librarian, susan crawford (a real
internet policy person, not a damned wannabe weenie), or whatever.

and stop flying baby policy weenies around the world in business class
to stand up in meetings and say they are from arin.  if you want arin
represented, send staff.  if arin wants input from foonog or barnic,
send staff.  arin has some good staff.  the policy wannabes not so much.

create artifical competition by allowing rir venue shopping.  these
geographic monopolies were a mistake.

randy, who really needs to go back to work

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