Barry is a well respected security researcher. I'm surprised he posted this.

In his defense, he did it over a year ago (June 11, 2012). Maybe we should ask 
him about it. I'll do that now....


On Feb 18, 2014, at 13:31 , Dave Bell <> wrote:

> That article is terrible.
> Looking at the stats provided, only 2582 unique AS's were tested.
> has over 46k AS's
> currently in the routing table.
> This means they have tested around 5% of the AS's on the Internet.
> Dave
> On 18 February 2014 17:20, Jay Ashworth <> wrote:
>> Here's a piece which uses the MIT ANA data to assert that the job is
>> mostly done already.
>> Unless I'm very much mistaken, it appears that a large percentage of the
>> failed BCP 38 spoofing tests listed in that data are actually due to
>> customer side NAT routers dropping packets...
>> which is of course egress filtering rather than ingress filtering, and
>> thus doesn't actually apply to our questions.
>> Am I interpreting that correctly?
>> (Oh, and is now the number 2 Ghit for "bcp38"; thanks to 5 new
>> contributors for signing up to help so far this week.)
>> Cheers,
>> - jra
>> --
>> Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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