On 2/10/14, 7:57 AM, Vlade Ristevski wrote:
> Thanks for the link. When I looked at it, the PPS and bandwidth didn't
> really match what I see on my network so I'm curious to see what people
> are actually seeing. It looks like their test is done using very small
> packets (64K). Our traffic is mostly web with  a lot of Video (netflix ,
> Hulu, youtube, Flash etc) so we're dealing with a lot less packets that
> are much larger.  Based on the numbers I posted, we' would be at the BW
> limit without even coming close the PPS limit (if we were running the
> traffic through the 7206).

so those pps numbers are worst case (small packet) but the acl count
/distribution and so on are going to impact what you actually get in the
downward direction.

> On 2/10/2014 10:41 AM, joel jaeggli wrote:
>> On 2/10/14, 7:17 AM, Vlade Ristevski wrote:
>>> We are looking to double the bandwidth on one of our circuits from
>>> 300Mbps to 600Mbps. We currently use a Cisco 7206VXR with an NPE-G1
>>> card. These seem like very popular routers so I'm hoping a few people on
>>> this list have them deployed. If you or a customer have these deployed,
>>> how much bandwidth have you seen them handle? This will be handling dorm
>>> traffic at a college so it's mostly download. The 7206 handles our 300
>>> Mbps circuit just fine, but we are moving it to our 600Mbps circuit. At
>>> peak we've seen the following numbers for that circuit:
>>>    30 second input rate 559982000 bits/sec, 55809 packets/sec
>>>    30 second output rate 55429000 bits/sec, 32598 packets/sec
>>>       267756984712 packets input, 333325152556755 bytes, 0 no buffer
>>> This is the interface that connects to our provider. As you can see its
>>> almost all download traffic. Our ASR1002 handles it without a sweat but
>>> I'm a little skeptical of whether the 7206 will hold up.
>> I wouldn't expect a g1 to do much more than half a gig...
>> https://supportforums.cisco.com/servlet/JiveServlet/download/561469-9512/routerperformance.pdf
>>> Answers on and off list are appreciated.
>>> Thanks,

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