+1 for Redmine. I've used most of the open source ticketing systems out there at one time or another, and greatly prefer Redmine over all of them. I've always been a big proponent of open source and only using proprietary software if you absolutely have to (to the point of deploying Linux for internal small-scale firewalling and routing (i.e. VM clusters, test environments) before I'll concede that hardware is required), but I'll admit that Atlassian Jira is probably the best ticketing product out there right now. But it's proprietary and costs money. Other than that, Redmine is the way to go.


On 01/25/2014 09:41 AM, Vireak Ouk wrote:
We decided against RT and use Redmine for tickets instead. We find Redmine
to be much more user-friendly.
  On Jan 25, 2014 8:14 AM, "Franck Martin" <fmar...@linkedin.com> wrote:

On Jan 24, 2014, at 1:37 AM, Octavio Alfageme <palae...@palaemon.es>

Hello everyone,

I work for a small service provider starting to offer MPLS services
Europe and several african countries. At present time we own a small
network, but we are starting to need a better inventory of services and
resources and better troubleticketing procedures. We can not afford
complicated and expensive tools at present time.I would be grateful if
you could
recommend me opensource tools to cover these needs.

try https://abusehq.abusix.com/ or


Jason Antman | Systems Engineer | CMGdigital
jason.ant...@coxinc.com | p: 678-645-4155

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