Hello Baldur,

Your design regarding proxy arp for every VLAN might hit some issues. If
you look at the nanog history you will find people having issues with proxy
arp for large number of VLANs, what is your requirement for proxy arp?
Doing something at the access switch will most likely be better for you
such as PVLAN or Brocade IP follow ve statement. If you are planning to put
clients on the same subnet what are you planning to put in place to limit
client stealing each other’s IPs? Only a few Brocade devices support the
ARP ACLs rules which are a really nice feature, IP Source Guard works
reasonable if using a DHCP server otherwise you need to specify the MAC
address. Some other brand switches support filtering the ARP packets per
access port.


Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2013 02:18:55 +0100
From: Baldur Norddahl <baldur.nordd...@gmail.com>
To: "nanog@nanog.org" <nanog@nanog.org>
Subject: Re: The Making of a Router
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 12:56 AM, Jon Sands <fohdee...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes, and in that world, one should probably not start up a FTTH ISP when
> one has not even budgeted for a router, among a thousand other things. And
> if you must, you should probably figure out your cost breakdown
> not after. Baldur, you mention $200k total to move 10gb with Juniper
> seems insanely off to me). Look into Brocades CER line, you can move 4x
> 10gbe per chassis for under 12k.

I was saying $100k for two Juniper routers total.

Perhaps we could get back on track, instead of trying to second guess what
we did or did not budget for. You have absolute no information about our
business plans.

The Brocade BR-CER-2024F-4X-RT-AC - Brocade NetIron CER 2024F-4X goes for
about $21k and we need two of them. That is enough to buy a full year of
unlimited 10G internet. And even then, we would be short on 10G ports.

It is not that we could not bring that money if that was the only way to do
it. It is just that I have so many other things that I could spend that
money on, that would further our business plans so much more.

I can not even say if the Juniper or the Brocade will actually solve my
problem. I need it to route to ten of thousands of VLANS (Q-in-Q), both
with IPv4 and IPv6. It needs to act as IPv6 router on every VLAN, and very
few devices seems to like having that many IP-addresses assigned. It also
needs to do VRRP and proxy arp for every VLAN.

The advantage of a software solution is that I can test it all before
buying. Also to some limited degree, I am able to fix shortcomings myself.



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