On gio, 2013-12-26 at 11:33 -0500, Nick Cameo wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> We are looking to put together a 2u server with a few PCIe 3 x8
> (recommendations appreciated). The router will take a voip transcoding
> line card, and will act as an edge router for a telecom company.
> For things like BGP (Quagga, Zebra, all that lovely stuff!!!), static
> routes, and firewall capabilities we are thinking gentoo linux
> stripped for sure however, what about the BSDs? FreeBSD or OpenBSD.
> Any comments, feedback, does, and don'ts are much appreciated.
> Kind Regards,
> Nick.

I would definitely consider Alpine Linux [1], which is designed exactly
for that purpose. Small footprint, run-from-ram, config from on flash,
security oriented.


- leo

[1] http://alpinelinux.org/about

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