Just about every security, network and ADC vendor out there is claiming 
anti-dos capabilities.  Be careful when going that route and do your own 
validation.  I suggest looking at Radware and Arbor (both leaders in the 
market). To successfully mitigate an attack the ideal solutions will weed out 
the attack and allow legitimate traffic to continue.  Many of the solutions in 
the commercial market are not much more than rate limiters and are not very 
forgiving.  Just as important realize while spoofed udp floods are popular they 
are oftened only the first vector, if successfully mitigated attackers quickly 
adjust and follow with more complex vectors such as application attacks toward 
http, ssl, dns query floods, etc.. Remember their goal is to bring you down, , 
divert your attention while they steal your data or perhaps transfer funds.  
They will go to far lengths to achieve their end result.  As you can imagine 
it's much harder to identify the attack characteristics or for that matter the 
attacker in these more complex cases.  In summary, I'm a firm believer in a 
hybrid approach with combination of infrastructure acls, rtbh, qos, URPF, tcp 
stack hardening, local anti-ddos appliances for application attacks and network 
floods under link capacity to allow you to stay up while deciding to shift 
routes into cloud band ability to swing up stream to cloud scrubbing center (in 
house or third party).

Sent from my Sprint phone.

----- Reply message -----
From: "Paul Ferguson" <fergdawgs...@mykolab.com>
To: <nanog@nanog.org>
Subject: ddos attacks
Date: Thu, Dec 19, 2013 2:35 PM

Hash: SHA1

I'm really surprised no one has mentioned Akamai/Prolexic, especially since
their recent marriage.

If someone has already mentioned it: Apologies.

- - ferg

On 12/19/2013 4:08 AM, Adrian M wrote:

> Hi,
> You can also test WANGUARD, http://www.andrisoft.com/ for DDoS detection
> and BGP triggered blackholing.
> On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 11:32 AM, Eugeniu Patrascu
> <eu...@imacandi.net>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You can also take a look at http://www.packetdam.com/ for DDoS
>> protection.
>> Eugeniu
>> On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 10:53 AM, Tore Anderson <t...@fud.no> wrote:
>>> * James Braunegg
>>>> Of course for any form of Anti DDoS hardware to be functional you
>>>> need to make sure your network can route and pass the traffic so you
>>>> can absorb the bad traffic to give you a chance cleaning the
>>>> traffic.
>>> So in order for an Anti-DDoS appliance to be functional the network
>>> needs to be able to withstand the DDoS on its own. How terribly useful.
>>> Tore

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