> New IXP founders typically contact our staff

wow!  i did not know we had the ixp god here!  lemme go back to my
camera-ready dreadline. :)

> - Three or more participants
> - Shared layer-2 switch fabric across which participants peer with
>   each other, exchanging customer routes 
> - New participation is not too rigorously constrained (at least a
>   domestic ISP new market entrant should be able to participate) 

imiho, it is also nice if non-isp folk can participate, content, etc.

> - Participants do not receive a metered-rate bill based on utilization

that's a new one.  i am not sure i understand why.  just seems a finer
grained case of 100mb for $1, 1g for $5, and 10g for $20 or whatever.

and i would add carrier neutrality, i can haul fiber from anyone into
the exchange.  this is pretty critical in the exchanges where i have


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