On Jul 26, 2013, at 7:58 AM, Patrick W. Gilmore <patr...@ianai.net> wrote:

> On Jul 26, 2013, at 09:32 , Ryan Pavely <para...@nac.net> wrote:
>> I doubt that will ever happen.  So it's time for me to update my arin 
>> contact as this past weekend I got exactly that 2am porn call and it was 
>> quite disturbing which website was being referenced. In all my years I knew 
>> there was some crazy stuff out there, but this took the cake.
> You can change anything you want. ARIN & ICANN are both member organizations. 
> Propose a change, get the votes, and POOF!, things are changed.
> Even better, only the "clued" (and paid) get to vote. So it is exactly what 
> you wanted.

Oh Patrick, you know that's not true.. I've been paying ARIN for 13 years and 
for many of those ARIN wouldn't even let me modify my ASN.  I don't get a vote, 
but I pay. :)

> -- 
> patrick

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