hilarious! Now we know that open really means ... closed.
Alex Buie wrote:
> They apparently have different "zones" (ie, they run 5 different, separate
> roots), and you pay a different price depending on how many "zones" you
> want your TLD to be active in. (cf
> http://www.open-root.eu/our-rates/list-of-zones-and-pricing/)
> On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 1:26 PM, Michael Brown <mich...@supermathie.net>wrote:
>> On 13-07-11 04:08 PM, Alex Buie wrote:
>> Am I missing something, or is that purporting to be an IPv4 address
>> beginning with 478?
>> Heh… it seems as though they mistyped '**' there.
>>> 7 - How to distinguish between identical TLDs?
>>> Within the Icann framework, names such as: tube.com, tube.net, tube.org,
>> etc. allow in principle to differentiate different domains under the same
>> name.
>>> Within the open root framework, if there are several .tube, one will
>> distinguish them according to the root being activated.
>> Wait… so 'open root' isn't a single alternative root namespace? It's
>> different depending on… near as I can tell which part of the planet you're
>> in?
>> Or is the product multiple independent roots… are you buying your own '.'
>> tree or a 'tld.' tree?
>> Clearly, this will work‽
>> Is this the future? "Visit my site at
>> http://fluttershy.turgid.wonka.^"
>> --
>> Michael Brown | The true sysadmin does not adjust his behaviour
>> Systems Administrator | to fit the machine. He adjusts the
>> machinemich...@supermathie.net | until it behaves properly. With a hammer,
>> | if necessary. - Brian