AfriNIC did not put them on the stage. AIS was not convened by AfriNIC. It is 
very much like holding APNIC responsible for the content of other parts of an 
APRICOT meeting. It just doesn't reflect the facts.

I agree that these TLD sellers are rather silly, but the organizers of the 
conference chose to allow free speech.

You are, of course, free to criticize as you wish, but ideally, you should at 
least direct your criticism at those responsible.


On Jun 19, 2013, at 12:05 PM, Randy Bush <> wrote:

> AfriNIC put these wonderful people on stage at the African Internet
> Summit.
> <20130618_101455.jpg>
> In parallel, I should offer /16s from an alternet IP space for USD1,000,
> buy one and get one free.
> </sarcasm>
> randy

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