I'm not going to even ask or look at who is accepting /26's


On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Paul Rolland <r...@witbe.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> On Fri, 21 Jun 2013 13:56:02 -0600
> Michael McConnell <mich...@winkstreaming.com> wrote:
> > As the IPv4 space get smaller and smaller, does anyone think we'll see a
> > time when /25's will be accepted for global BGP prefix announcement. The
> > current smallest size is a /24 and generally ok for most people, but the
> > crunch gets tighter, routers continue to have more and more ram will it
> > always be /24 the smallest size?
> Well, /25 are already in the routing table. I can even find a few /26 !!
> rtr-01.PAR#sh ip b | i /26
> *>i193.41.227.128/26
> *>i193.41.227.192/26
> *>i194.149.243.64/26
> Paul
> --
> TelcoTV Awards 2011 - Witbe winner in "Innovation in Test & Measurement"
> Paul Rolland                                E-Mail : rol(at)witbe.net
> CTO - Witbe.net SA                          Tel. +33 (0)1 47 67 77 77
> Les Collines de l'Arche                     Fax. +33 (0)1 47 67 77 99
> F-92057 Paris La Defense                    RIPE : PR12-RIPE
> LinkedIn : http://www.linkedin.com/in/paulrolland
> Skype    : rollandpaul
> "I worry about my child and the Internet all the time, even though she's
> too young to have logged on yet. Here's what I worry about. I worry that 10
> or 15 years from now, she will come to me and say 'Daddy, where were you
> when they took freedom of the press away from the Internet?'"
> --Mike Godwin, Electronic Frontier Foundation

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