On 6/21/13, Michael McConnell <mich...@winkstreaming.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> As the IPv4 space get smaller and smaller, does anyone think we'll see a
> time when /25's will be accepted for global BGP prefix announcement. The

I am confident there are providers that will accept /25s from some of
their customer(s) or peer(s);  either due to negotiations with some of
their customer(s);   or as a result of ignorance or administrative
error (failing to reject /25s,  and not realizing it).

> current smallest size is a /24 and generally ok for most people, but the

Well, current smallest size intended to be accepted is /24 for many
major providers.

Some will be more restrictive.    /24 is useful as a rule of thumb
but not "an exact size"   that every network allows.

Further address fragmentation will eventually demand that networks
become more restrictive, OR  that the underlying protocol  and
hardware gets redesigned;  which again, leads to netwroks becoming
more restrictive, to avoid spending $$$ on hardware, software, and
config upgrades.

> crunch gets tighter, routers continue to have more and more ram will it
> always be /24 the smallest size?

> Cheers,
> Mike

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