Since some people were interested (on- and off-list), see below.

On 2013-05-21, at 15:32, Mehmet Akcin <> wrote:

> hey there
> we have a case from 20U 20" 
> they are really reliable (been using them since 6 years, shipped meeting 
> equipment for ICANN before and also servers as joe mentioned below
> let me know how we can help
> mehmet
> On May 21, 2013, at 12:27 PM, Joe Abley <> wrote:
>> Hey,
>> Do you remember where you bought those flight cases we used to ship Dell 1Us 
>> around the place?
>> People on NANOG want to know :-)
>> Joe
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Jason Faraone <>
>>> Subject: RE: Dear NANOG Gods
>>> Date: 21 May 2013 15:10:32 EDT
>>> To: 'Joe Abley' <>, Warren Bailey 
>>> <>
>>> Cc: NANOG list <>
>>> Would you happen to have a link for a flight case that would fit a 1-2u 
>>> server? I was in the same situation a few days ago and ran the risky 
>>> proposition of building my own box.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Joe Abley [] 
>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 1:56 PM
>>> To: Warren Bailey
>>> Cc: NANOG list
>>> Subject: Re: Dear NANOG Gods
>>> Hi Warren,
>>> On 2013-05-21, at 14:48, Warren Bailey 
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> I need to ship some Dell servers, and my google skills have gotten me 
>>>> nowhere. Is there a decent place to find standard server size shipping 
>>>> boxes? Located in Socal if anyone has an extra or two.. ;)
>>> The last time I had to ship a box myself I went to the local UPS Canada 
>>> office, since they evidently will pack and ship rather than just ship.
>>> The last time we had to ship a number of (Dell, actually) boxes from ICANN 
>>> in LA we bought some flight cases that we could rack the servers into. Our 
>>> thought was to go for reusable, rather than one-off (and we had doubts 
>>> about the state of the boxes upon arrival if they weren't securely packed; 
>>> a flight case with 19" rails inside seemed like a good bet).
>>> We found the flight cases with only minimal googling, but if you're having 
>>> trouble Mehmet could no doubt hook you up.
>>> And if you're close to El Segundo and we can get the flight case back when 
>>> you're done, you could probably just borrow ours :-)
>>> Joe

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