On Tue, 21 May 2013, Joe Abley wrote:

The last time we had to ship a number of (Dell, actually) boxes from ICANN in LA we bought some flight cases that we could rack the servers into. Our thought was to go for reusable, rather than one-off (and we had doubts about the state of the boxes upon arrival if they weren't securely packed; a flight case with 19" rails inside seemed like a good bet).

We found the flight cases with only minimal googling, but if you're having trouble Mehmet could no doubt hook you up.

And if you're close to El Segundo and we can get the flight case back when you're done, you could probably just borrow ours :-)

There a number of vendors that can either custom-build cases, or might have something off-the-shelf that will work, and meet ATA300/Milspec standards.

Calzone Cases - http://www.calzonecases.com/
Jan-Al Cases - http://www.janalcase.com/
Pelican-Hardigg - http://www.pelican.com/

NOTE: I use several different types of road/flight cases for transporting audio gear for $sidejob.

Fair warning: A case that provides the level of cushioning and impact protection you're looking for is likely to be heavy - possibly as heavy as the server itself.


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