On Apr 30, 2013, at 11:23 , Thomas Schmid <sch...@dfn.de> wrote: > On 30.04.2013 17:07, Chris Boyd wrote: >> On Tue, 2013-04-30 at 10:59 -0400, ML wrote:
>>> 1) Do nothing - They're supposed deliver any and all bits >>> (Disregarding >>> a DoS or similiar situation which impedes said network) >>> 2) Prefix filter - Don't be a party (at least in one direction) to the >>> bad actors traffic. >> >> 3 - Deliver all packets unless I've signed up for an enhanced security >> offering? > > right - I see this really as something that should be decided at the edge > of the internet (Tier2+) and not in the core. "Core"? Seriously? Which of these statements are true: A) Is it impossible for an end user or business (i.e. non-ISP) to get a direct connection to a "Tier 1" (whatever the hell that means) provider. B) Most traffic on the Internet traverses Tier 1s today. C) A Tier 1 has a different profit motive than a Tier 2 (whatever the hell that means) providers. D) All Tier 1 providers are larger than all Tier 2 providers. We'll just skip over the E) all of the above. -- TTFN, patrick P.S. Hint: If you answered A, B, C, or D, you aren't paying attention.