On Apr 30, 2013, at 11:07 , Chris Boyd <cb...@gizmopartners.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 2013-04-30 at 10:59 -0400, ML wrote:

>> 1) Do nothing - They're supposed deliver any and all bits
>> (Disregarding
>> a DoS or similiar situation which impedes said network)
>> 2) Prefix filter - Don't be a party (at least in one direction) to the
>> bad actors traffic. 
> 3 - Deliver all packets unless I've signed up for an enhanced security
> offering?

While I like that plan, there are a LOT more people who will scream about not 
being "protected" than those who will bitch they can't get to a phishing site.

Since networks are for-profit companies, they'll lower their costs (e.g. 
support calls), as long as it lowers their cost more than the "cost" of losing 
a customer or two (and let's be honest, that is about all they _might_ lose) 
who are religious about the whole "transit means everywhere" thing.


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