On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 03:49:37PM -0700, Bill Woodcock wrote:
> HOWEVER, we've been told in the past that space received from ARIN and
> used outside the ARIN region did not qualify as "utilization" for the
> purposes of justifying new allocations, nor were locations outside the
> ARIN region entitled to new allocations.  We were told to get space for
> POPs outside of ARIN's region from the other respective RIRs.  And indeed,
> those other RIRs have, by and large, been quite cooperative with giving us
> space for use within their regions, even in the cases when we had no
> business incorporated entity within their region.

Which is ironic, because when we recently applied to ARIN for number
resources to support our US operations, we were told to use our APNIC space

- Matt

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