On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 06:50:25PM -0400, Jared Mauch wrote: > > On Mar 18, 2013, at 6:41 PM, Andy Litzinger <andy.litzin...@theplatform.com> > wrote> > * Should I use a single AS for both North America and European data > centers? It will be the same small team managing them today but it's not > like the sites are linked together to form any kind of transit network. > > I see no issues with a single-AS. What you want to look at is if it makes > sense. If you have just one link connecting your EU-North America sites, it > may make sense to use a different ASN in the event of that circuit going down. > > If you use diverse cable systems, you are likely "OK". Make sure you track > what system you are on, when there is an outage, it can take weeks to recover. >
In the past, certain peers have required a unified ASN in order to exchange traffic. If you're using separate ASNs, they want the regions treated as separate organizations with regards to routing. (IE, they want you to effectively run them as separate business units.) I do not know how much of that is an issue today but it could be a real PITA in days past. Still, a single ASN in my view is the best choice anyway. -Wayne --- Wayne Bouchard w...@typo.org Network Dude http://www.typo.org/~web/