On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 10:41 PM, Cameron Byrne <cb.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> One of the most important things i see not being stressed enough is > that IPv6 is frequently free or a low-cost incremental upgrade. > > So, when calculating ROI / NPV, the hurdle can be very low such that > the cash in-flow / cost savings is not a huge factor since the > required investment is close to nil. > The low hurdle advantage remains only if the organisation starts soon and progresses incrementally. I suspect the longer v6 deployment is put off, the more this advantage is eroded. -- Mukom Akong T. http://about.me/perfexcellence | twitter: @perfexcellent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “When you work, you are the FLUTE through whose lungs the whispering of the hours turns to MUSIC" - Kahlil Gibran -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------