--- calin.chior...@secdisk.net wrote: From: "calin.chiorean" <calin.chior...@secdisk.net>
IMO, if we stick to the document and they are organized in military style, then a person who collect information, should focus only on that particular phase. That person is an operator, he or she should not be keep busy remembering long CLI commands. The scope is to deliver ASAP. ----------------------------------------- What's that randy says? >;-) I can only hope you're right, but my point was to bring suspicion to the report itself for (possibly; I'm only on page 19) saying that m$ is the only attacking OS. -------------------------------------- No matter how much I like CLI and to put my fingers into text mode, I have to admit that point and click in windows is an easier and faster method to achieve the task I did mention. As Warren mention, --------------------------------------- bzzzzzt. Wrong answer. Please study more. Next! scott