On Sat, 9 Feb 2013 14:31:00 -0500
"Christopher J. Pilkington" <c...@0x1.net> wrote:

> Further digging indicates
> that RA and NS don't cross the bridge from wired to wireless.

Are you using the Netgear device for wireless, or is there a wireless
adapter/card/whatever in your linux box?

If you have linux running on the wireless thingy, u might find the
proxy_ndp options useful (/proc/sys/net/ipv6/...)

I have a Netgear WG102 running as bridge and it worked without any
further tweaking. But, I transport the data via tagged VLANs up to the
Netgear who extracts them for each SSID individually.

Dan Lüdtke

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