I've a Netgear 7550 B90 provided by Frontier. (Yes, it's my only choice other than VSAT. Rural US. Yes, I am already looking into getting my own CPE, but humor me.)
Since Frontier doesn't support IPv6, I've linux box on the LAN building an AYIYA tunnel, and doing the usual router thing on the wired Ethernet. Everything on the wired side works splendid. Wireless clients didn't seem to want to play. Further digging indicates that RA and NS don't cross the bridge from wired to wireless. Manually assigning IPv6 address and nailing NDP entries allows ICMPv6 echo request to work. Has anyone seen this class of device drop multicast between the wireless radio and the wired ethernet switch? Or am I brain dead this morning and missing something obvious? Heck, I even tried disabling WPA2 thinking it was some wonky encryption thing. Thanks, -cjp