On Feb 9, 2013 6:14 PM, "Masataka Ohta" <mo...@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp> wrote: > > Jason Baugher wrote: > > > You are seriously saying I should hire a translator to tell me what your > > document says? > > You don't have to, as you are not seriously interested in the > topic. >
If you say so. In your own mind you obviously know far more about this topic than anyone else. I'm shocked that you waste time trying to educate us. > BTW, it is not my document but an article in a famous online > magazine. > There are many famous online magazines. Some have merit. That one may. Who knows? > > How about you point out a reference > > written in a language common to North America, since this IS NANOG. > > Feel free to do so. > You're the one making the assertion, it's not my job to help you make it. > > Anyone here doing or know someone doing 4-1 or 8-1 splits, in a typical > > American town? I believe most people were talking about areas <50000 > > population. > > The figure of 3.68-1 is by NTT. > > Our main cost is labor. Fiber, fdh, splitters, etc... are marginal. > > You never forget labor cost. > > Installing more lengthy drop cable, in addition to trunk cable, > means more labor. > > Installing a bulky PON closure with splitter means more labor. Drops from a splitter vs drops from a splice case for your SS.... Not much difference from what I've seen. > > Masataka Ohta