On 13-02-08 03:36, Masataka Ohta wrote:

> The problem of PON is that, to efficiently share a fiber and
> a splitter, they must be shared by many subscribers, which
> means drop cables are longer than those of SS.

Pardon my ignorance here, but could you explain why the cables would be
physically different in the last mile ?

It is my understanding that the last mile of a PON and a point to point
would be indentical with individual strands for each home passed, and
then a drop between the cable and each home that wishes to connect.

Why would this be different in a PON vs Point to Point system ?

Wher I see a difference is between the neighbourhood aggregation point
and the CO where the PON system will have just 1 strand for 32 homes
whereas point to point will have 1 strand per home passed. But the
lengths should be the same, shouldn't they ?

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