Given the issue was announced a week ago, I'm surprised they didn't provide
some sort of emergency notification prior to the upgrade.  However, I
certainly understand their immediate desire to deploy this update.  I don't
think it's bad as the BGP one from not too long ago in that exploit code is
not yet publicly available to my knowledge, but it certainly won't take

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 9:04 AM, joel jaeggli <> wrote:

> On 2/6/13 7:43 AM, Ray Wong wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 7:10 AM, Andrew Sullivan <>
>> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Feb 06, 2013 at 07:39:14AM -0500, Jared Mauch wrote:
>>>> So, I'm wondering what is shocking that someone may have to push out
>>>> some sort of upgrade either urgently or periodically that is so impacting
>>>> and causes these emails on the list.
>>>>  My impression is mostly that people are left feeling uncomfortable by
>>> a massive upgrade of this sort with so little communication about why
>>> and so on.  "Emergency work for five hours and 30 minutes
>>> disconnection" that turns out to take longer than 30 minutes of
>>> disconnection probably ought to come with some explanation (at least
>>> after the fact).
>>>  Especially in the wake they already recently did one. It's unsettling
>> to receive little communication, and even multihomed, there's always
>> the question of being pushed into overages around other providers.
>> Yes, short notice maintenance does happen. Better communication
>> happens much less often.
> I recieved advance (24 hours) notification of maintenances over the last
> two days to circuits ranging in size from 100MB/s to 10Gb/s in about a
> dozen locations. I assumed there would be further disruption as devices I'm
> not directly connected to were touched.
>> I was more looking for details, i.e. the sort of problem this is, as
>> it probably also means all my *other* providers are going to be
>> scrambling in the next few days/weeks/months, depending on what gear
>> they're all using.
> All your other providers using that vendor have been scrambling for about
> a week as well. Junos devices should be upgraded.
>    I'm out of the global infrastructure game myself
>> for a few years currently, but I still have to think ahead to the
>> network I do maintain.
>> -R>

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