On Nov 30, 2012, at 20:25 , Randy Bush <ra...@psg.com> wrote:

>> Not a lawyer.
> than stfu with the legal crap

It amazes me how people feel free to opine on things like networking without a 
certification, but if you don't have a law degree, suddenly they believe you 
are incapable of understanding anything regarding the law.

As for "the legal crap", most of what is posted is not on-topic here.  There 
are laws & legal implications which are operational, though.  And even though I 
am not a lawyer, I need to understand them or I cannot do my job.  My lawyer is 
not going to pick which datacenter to lease, even if he knows a metric-ass-ton 
more about indemnification than I ever will (at least I hope than I ever will - 
that shit is BOOOOOOOOOORING).

I appreciate people who have researched and understand the topic giving their 
insights - just like I do regarding BGP, MPLS, IPv6... okay, no jokes about 
IPv6. :)  And, just like with networking topics, I do not appreciate people 
taking up 10K+ of their not-so-closest-friends' time with half-baked ideas from 
people who have not taken the time to understand the subject matter.  However, 
I do not believe the only way to go from the latter group into the former is to 
pass the bar.  (And if so, in what state/country? what specialty? etc., etc.)

I guess this is a long-winded way of saying: If all you have to say is "STFU", 
maybe you should take your own advice?


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