On Nov 29, 2012, at 12:27 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:

> 60% of the world's population still isn't on the internet and I expect a 
> significant fraction of that will be coming on in the next 2-4 years.

I live and work in a part of the world which contains a sizable subset of that 
60% - i.e., Asia.

I see just about zero IPv6 awareness, much less deployment, except peripherally 
in Japan and, to an even lesser degree, the RoK.

I see so many other challenges facing so many IPv4 networks in this region that 
it's inconceivable that they would be deploying IPv6 within the next 2-4 years, 
or even the foreseeable future.

Also, it appears to me that a large proportion of the population in this region 
who have both a sufficient amount of disposable income (it doesn't require much 
here, especially via mobile wireless, but it's still more than a lot of people 
have) and a corresponding degree of interest to obtain and benefit from 
Internet access, and who are in fact likely to ever get Internet access, 
already have it.  So, I'm not so sure that there are still these vast numbers 
of underserved yet eager potential Internet users out there, as is commonly 

Roland Dobbins <rdobb...@arbor.net> // <http://www.arbornetworks.com>

          Luck is the residue of opportunity and design.

                       -- John Milton

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