On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 3:15 PM, Leo Bicknell <bickn...@ufp.org> wrote: > For small players, less than 4 sites, typically just use the NTP > pool servers, configuring 4 per box minimum. If you want the same > protection I just outlined in the paragraph before, make 4 of your > servers talk to the outside world, and make everything else talk > to those. Want to give back to the community? Get a GPS/CDMA/Whatever
Choosing the first four servers is usually pretty straightforward: *.CC.pool.ntp.org But beyond that, I'm honestly rather curious what server selections are a good idea. A first thought would be an adjacent country, but maybe there is a benefit to picking things outside of the pool.ntp.org selection entirely? I see that Jared used *.fedora.pool.ntp.org -- I wonder if there was a specific reason for that or if my questions are even worth thinking about at all :-). Happy to hear thoughts. -- Darius Jahandarie