After some private replies, I'm going to reply to my own post with
some information here.

It appears many people don't understand how the NTP protocol works.
I suspect many people have configured a "primary" and a "backup"
NTP server on many of their devices.  It turns out this is the
_WORST_ possible configuration if you want accurate time:

To protect against two falseticking servers (tick and tock, as we saw on
the 19th) you need _FIVE_ servers minimum configured if they are both in
the list.  More importantly, if you want to protect against a source
(GPS, CDMA, IRIG, WWIV, ACTS, etc) false ticking, you need a minimum of
_FOUR_ different source technologies in the list as well.

It's not hard, my box that I posted the logs from peers with 18 servers
using 8 source technologies, all freely available on the Internet...

       Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440
        PGP keys at

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